What does the altar guild do?

Members of the altar guild are responsible for setting up the altar before the service (the linens, cloths, chalice, etc) and taking it down afterward. They are responsible for maintaining the tableware (candles, chalice, etc), making sure we have enough wine and bread, and cleaning the linens each week.

What gifts does a member of the altar guild need?

A love of the sacraments, a degree of meticulousness and attention to detail, and a willingness to serve. (An ability to iron is a big help, too!).

How much time does it take?

To become an altar guild member you must attend a class, which may take about 30 minutes (usually less). Altar guild members arrive early to the service (30-45 minutes) and set up the altar. They remain after the service (about 15 minutes) to clean the tableware and collect the dirty linens. Sometime during the week the old linens must be washed and ironed.