What does a lay reader do?

Lay readers are responsible for reading the Old Testament, Psalm, and New Testament Epistle scriptures during Sunday worship. The lay reader reads from the podium. Typically they introduce the scripture: “A reading from Isaiah, Chapter 3, verses 1 through 12”, read the scripture, and then say “The word of the Lord”. Psalms are done differently - the lay reader leads the congregation in reciting the psalm in a responsive way.

What gifts does a lay reader need?

A love of scripture, a good reading voice that carries, and a willingness to serve.

How much time does it take?

The lay reader should prepare for the reading - ideally looking at the reading a few days ahead, meditating on it, and praying about it. If there are any words that the lay reader isn’t sure how to pronounce (those Old Testament names can be a burden!) they can consult with the priest. The readings themselves take only a minute or two.